The system will fall apart within the
next year as states find out Medicaid will be a 2017 budget buster! Worse yet,
The American Citizen and tax payer will be footing the bill for illegal aliens
that are flooding the U.S. So Americans go broke, and illegals get medical treatment!
By Post Editorial Board
October 25, 2016 | 8:41pm
Word that ObamaCare
premiums will soar 25 percent in the 39 states that operate off the federal system
is only the tip of the iceberg: The so-called Affordable Care Act is inflicting
damage all across America’s health-care sector — with no end in sight.
Just as critics warned
from the start.
Premiums are rising in
nearly all the states that run their own exchanges, too. And if you get other
coverage, you’re also paying: ObamaCare taxes non-exchange health plans to help
pay for the subsidies that make its policies (somewhat) affordable. (It also
cut tens of billions from Medicare.)
This, on top of the
regulations that impact policies across America — boosting costs by mandating
added coverage, whether you want it or not. The move forced insurers to cancel
coverage for 6 million-plus people — even as tens of millions found that, no,
they couldn’t keep their doctor after all.
More, the law also
pushed consolidation — penalizing doctors who stay in independent practice,
rewarding hospitals that merge. All because the liberals who wrote the law saw
such competition as destructive.
Oh, and the nonprofit
“insurance cooperatives” created with tens of billions in federal funds have
nearly all failed.
Still ahead: Budget
crises in the states that accepted temporary federal bribes to massively expand
their Medicaid rolls. More premium hikes on the exchanges, as ever fewer
healthy people sign up for coverage — prompting even lower enrollment, and more
price hikes, in a sharp “death spiral.”
The “Cadillac tax” will
kick in soon, too — so if your union has won great health coverage at the
bargaining table, that plan will pay a penalty to Uncle Sam.
The legal challenges
aren’t done yet, either.
How did it come to this?
Voter fury in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis gave Democrats huge
majorities in Congress — and President Obama took the opportunity to chase a
decades-old liberal dream, universal health insurance.
The law’s fallen far
short of that goal, as it’s faltered on every other front, because it was never
really written to work, but assembled from the wish-lists of various left-wing
wonks and ideologues — hastily stitched together and passed before the voters
could stop it.
The Democrats didn’t
even blink when Massachusetts, of all states, elected a Republican to Ted
Kennedy’s Senate seat in a giant cry of “stop”: They passed the law before
Scott Brown could take office.
Now ObamaCare is
collapsing, and presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton vows to “fix” it with
new spending and even more Washington control of the market. If she gets
Democratic majorities in Congress, she’ll keep that promise — and the madness
will grow.