Wanna lower health insurance rates? Charge
unhealthy (Obese, smokers, alcoholics, sedentary, yada yada yada) more than you
would charge those that are making the effort (with results) to take care of
themselves! That’s all I am gonna say about that!
Will Body
Monitoring Implants Be The Future of Healthcare?
Adam Ozimek, CONTRIBUTOR Forbes Business MAR 8, 2013 @ 6:00 AM
A classic
problem with insurance markets is that the insurer can’t monitor everyone’s
behavior, which creates the moral hazard problem: individuals take on too much
risk because they don’t have to pay the full cost. But insurance will only make
people behave more risky if the insurer can’t charge them for it. Car insurance
companies look to be at long last investigating ways to minimize this information problem
by incentivizing drivers to put devices on their cars to partly measure how
risky of drivers they are. With health care costs rising and increasingly
subsidized by the government, it begs the question of whether such monitoring
will become necessary for healthcare in the future?
technologies will certainly make this easier. Already we are seeing more and
more of the “quantified
self”, as new products allow us monitor our bodies and amass data
about our behaviors. You can track the number of steps you take in a day, your
heart rate, how many calories you’re burning, how you’re sleeping. But future
technologies are pointing in an even more exhaustive, and some would say
intrusive, self-monitoring direction. Research is being done on biomonitoring
implants that will keep track of how your body is doing from the inside. Wired reports on
how the U.S. government is funding some of this research:
In a new call
for research, Darpa is asking for proposals to devise prototype
implantable biosensors. Once inserted under a soldier’s skin, Darpa wants the
sensors to provide real-time, accurate measurements of “DoD-relevant
biomarkers” including stress hormones, like cortisol, and compounds that signal
inflammation, like histamine.
Implantable sensors are only the
latest of several Pentagon-backed ventures to track a soldier’s health. Darpa’s already
looked into tracking
“nutritional biomarkers” to evaluate troops’ diets….
With devices
like these a health insurance company could offer you discounts for keeping
your stress level low, eating healthy, getting more sleep, and generally
engaging in behaviors that make you healthier and thus cheaper to insure.
Markets will be providing feedback to us that will put a price on our vices.
This not only provides us with incentives but information, as our insurers
quantify and remind us of the benefits of healthy behavior in dollar terms.
Importantly, unlike many paternalistic prohibitions and regulations people will
be free to ignore these price signals. Furthermore, if consumers find the
nudges undesirable enough then some health insurance companies won’t require
them and consumers will be able to choose to avoid them altogether.
In some
sense though, regulations are moving us away from this direction. The adjusted
community rating part of Obamacare says that insurance companies can only
adjust your insurance premium based on your age, where you live, and whether
you smoke. There is an understandable motivation for this too: we want
insurance to incentivize healthy behaviors, but a lot of health issues are
things we are born with. To many it is clearly unfair that someone should have
to pay more for healthcare because of how they did in the genetic lottery.
However, the exception for smoking shows that people clearly see unhealthy
behaviors as something fair to charge people for. Yet we have an outright
ban on health considerations in part because health outcomes are easier to
measure than health behaviors ex post, and so any attempts to
punish unhealthy behavior risks punishing unfortunate genetics. But if future
technologies make reliably measuring unhealthy behaviors easier than this will
be less of a problem.
While Obamacare limits how
rates can be set, it does appear that discounts for
wellness and prevention programs of some form will be allowed. It’s unclear whether or
not this would include discounts for healthy behavior as reported by
implantable biosensors. But if healthcare costs continue growing and
technological innovation in this area improves the economic pressure will be on
lawmakers to allow this, insurance companies to promote it, and individuals to
abide by it. Obviously this will strike many today as extremely invasive, but
if healthcare costs take up enough of our income then I predict the
invasiveness will seem less and less consequential.