During the interview process there questions you should be asking yourself and your perspective practice. I have put together a list of these questions and thoughts for your consideration. Could be food for thought!
Who’s in the group? Specialties covered?
What will be my role?
What direction is the practice going? Growth, EMR, PACS etc
Patient Make-up?
Demographics (geriatrics, athletes, work comp)
Payer mix (% managed care, fee for service, uninsured, work comp, medicaid)
How will I get my patients? What is the referral base (Drs, size)
Is anything currently being sent elsewhere?
Average patient wait for appointment?
Medical Practice:
Number of pts/year, cases/ year?
Daily schedule, OR, office, # of patients seen?
Types of procedures?
Peer review? Grand Rounds? Lectures? Affiliations?
PT, medical consults, EMG, chronic pain, braces, MRI, Surgery center, sports coverage, implants?
Practice Finance:
Expenses shared between the group? Overhead %? Call coverage reimbursement?
Net income (after expenses) shared? % per productivity or shared equally? What is production? (Fees, xrays, etc)
How is your contribution configured in over first few years? Is it pro-rated for certain patients (managed care, medicare/caid)
Business Management:
Ownership of group? Wholly or partly owned subsidy of?
Assets of the group: Lease, rent, debt, buy in?
Business manager background: Member of practice management assoc.?
Quality assurance measures? Who’s responsible?
Staff (barren vs. lean vs cushy)
Billing and coding? Outsourced? Accounts receivable @ 90 or 120?
Who makes decisions for the group? Unity within the group?
Timing of Partnership:
Criteria? Voting vs financial; interim evaluations?
Buy in? Fixed assets, good will, accounts receivable? How long do I pay?
Option of partial partnership in additional holdings of the practice:
Production bonuses? What is included in production? (Xrays etc)
Salary/ Benefits:
Salary, number of years, Production, incentives
Malpractice insurance? How much, claims made (occurance) vs tail, (who pays if I leave/ fired)
Medical/ Dental, Disability, RX plan
Student loan repayment
Perks: car, phone, signing bonus, CME etc
Profit sharing, Pension plan
Relocation expenses – moving, licensing, househunting trips etc
Who takes call and how is it divided?
Shared with other groups?
Are labs/ xrays accessible from home?
How much? Does it increase with time?
Do I have to ask permission?
CME time and reimbursement
Size, draw, any recent changes
Administration, facilities
How is OR time allotted? Instruments, equipment, staff, implants?
Ancillary services:
Cast tech, PA, Nurses
Ortho community:
Saturated? How much competition? Retiring? What specialties covered?
References of Group:
How is the group perceived/ respected?
Any Malpractice cases against?
Has anyone left the group? Why?
Get references for: hospital admin, nursing, OR, local MD’s, former partners.
Local cities, how expensive, homes, schools,