Friday, September 26, 2014

Obamacare closing more and more private practices....Physicians are leaving small communities

Many, many, many physicians have had to close their private practices, and forced to join hospital owned offices. Either that or find a job not in medicine! Gee…thanks Obamacare….What ever happened to “you can keep your Doctor”? He (Obama) knew that it was a load of crap….and so did all the rest of us. The sooner Obamacare is scrapped the better….just another closed-end, expensive, waste of time and money government program that only Socialist covet!

Alaska Physician Shuts Down Practice, Citing Obamacare
From the Daily Caller
9:39 PM 09/21/2014
Sarah Hurtubise Reporter

After a long list of Obamacare failures in Alaska, one physician is shutting down his decades-old practice, charging that the health-care law and other federal programs are “unsustainable” for practicing doctors.

Dr. William Wennen, a plastic surgeon, is closing his Fairbanks practice after 38 years of working in the state. Dr. Wennen blames federal health insurance programs, citing Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare, for shutting down his practice.

“It is an unsustainable system,” Dr. Wennen wrote to his customers in a letter obtained by The Daily Caller. “I am personally writing off upwards of three quarters of a million dollars annually in free/uncompensated care.”

“My reasons for closing down the office are simply economic,” Wennen wrote. “The governmental agencies that are supplying ‘medical insurance’ to the elderly, the disadvantaged, the indigent and the sick, injured, or disabled have placed an unrealistically low value of worth on physician’s services.”
Medicaid typically has the lowest physician reimbursements of any federal program. Doctors have been protesting pay cuts for services through Medicaid and Medicare. It’s increasingly difficult for customers to actually find health care providers that accept the coverage — especially in private practice, where doctors are more hard-pressed to be profitable than at big-budget hospitals. 

 “Within the last month, Fairbanks has lost three other much respected physicians for the same or similar reasons,” Dr. Wennen wrote. ”I am not the first and certainly will not be the last of the exodus of physicians from active practice because of all of this.”

Dr. Wennen is far from alone in his stark opposition to the health-care law. A recent survey from the Physicians Foundation found that 46 percent of doctors in the U.S. would give Obamacare a “D” or an “F,” the Washington Examiner reported.

For his part, Wennen hopes to continue providing medical care through other avenues, but can no longer afford to keep his practice. Other doctors nationwide have simply refused to accept coverage provided by federal agencies — even private coverage sold through Obamacare exchanges.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Physicians argue about the problems and causes of the medical system

Insurance Companies and Medical Malpractice Lawyers will always find a way to take care of politicians (and politicians will take care of them). We the paying consumer seeking medical care…we’re F%*#ed!
Doctors Debate Cause of Their Profession's Woes
By Sean Piccoli
Friday, 19 Sep 2014 21:40 PM
Writing in NewsMax

"It’s just one more of the multiple interferences between the doctor and the patient, and gets in the way of our treatments," Hubbard said of President Barack Obama's signature law. 

"I know that we need some guidance and there are things that need to be changed," said Hubbard, "but all we’re doing now is setting up a more of a bureaucracy, more of people in the middle that are going to frustrate doctors even more and more. And doctors are just going to decide, well, it’s not worth it."

Hubbard said that if he were polled he would give the ACA a "D."

Chris Lillis, an internal medicine specialist and "Doctors for America" contributor, said that the health-care overhaul deserves better. 

"My grade is a B-plus," he said, arguing that "the bureaucracy that remains between me and my patients … is the for-profit health insurance companies."

Lillis said that insurers, even after getting millions of new customers through the state and federal health-insurance exchanges established under the ACA, "are engaging in a lot of underhanded tactics to try to continue to control costs.

"Things like raising the price of generic medicines, restricting networks, forcing prior authorizations on physicians," said Lillis. "And I understand Dr. Hubbard’s concern, but he ought to train his blame on the insurance industry, not on Obamacare."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Americans do not for the most-part understand Obamacare, and what they do know....They don't like!

The takeaway here is that Americans for the most part do not understand the law, but what they do understand they (Americans) do not like. Big trouble moving forward for us all. It aint gonna be pretty!

Disapproval of ObamaCare reaches new high, poll finds

By Elise Viebeck - 09/16/13 01:15 PM EDT
A new poll finds 53 percent of people disapprove of ObamaCare and President Obama's approach to healthcare policy, a record high on both questions. 
The survey from USA Today and the Pew Research Center also found Republicans have gained a narrow but telling edge on healthcare issues generally. 
The poll revealed that 40 percent now prefer the GOP on healthcare compared to 39 percent who prefer Democrats, erasing a preference for Democrats that had stretched back more than 20 years.
The findings come just two weeks before ObamaCare's new insurance marketplaces open for enrollment. But that process, which is crucial to healthcare reform's success, could see trouble given ongoing confusion among crucial groups. 
About one-third (34 percent) reported that they do not understand how the healthcare law will work, a figure that has only slightly improved since the law's passage.

Meanwhile, nearly four in 10 of the uninsured do not realize they will be required to buy coverage or pay a fine starting next year.

This understanding is better among the general population, where seven in 10 grasp the so-called individual mandate, but worse among young people whose participation in the new exchanges is vital to ObamaCare's success.

Some have attributed the public's weak understanding of healthcare reform to Republicans' opposition to the law.

In Congress, the GOP has voted more than 40 times to repeal, defund or dismantle ObamaCare, and states run by Republicans have often worked against the administration to undermine the law's rollout.

The House GOP is debating how best to thwart ObamaCare during the next fiscal battle to fund the government.
Conservatives want to pass a spending bill that funds every part of the government except the healthcare law, hoping the imminent threat of a shutdown will force Obama to neglect the reform.

But ObamaCare's opponents do not necessarily agree on this tact, according to the poll. A majority (51 percent to 42 percent) said officials should help the law succeed instead of working to ensure its failure.

USA Today and Pew polled 1,506 adults between Sept. 4-8. The survey's margin of error is three percent.